Other Platform Tokens
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Last updated
There are a total of five platform-issued token at Flex Perpetuals:
FLP is a token users receive from depositing their assets into the FLP vault, whose assets act as the liquidity for leveraged traders at Flex Perpetuals. Each FLP token represents a share of the ownership of assets within the FLP vault.
Token Contract: 0x6304CE3F4eF20EC0AaB3981d0B4428Beeb96c3aC
FLP Price Calculation:
How to obtain:
Deposit USDC, cbBTC or WETH into the FLP vault
Staking Contract: 0x053fa05d34c51afC5cb9f162Fab3fD675Ac06119 Utilities:
Earn 45% of protocol revenue in the form of USDC when staked
Earn a share of esFDX token emission when staked
Accrue profits from acting as the counterparty for traders on Flex Perpetuals
When staked as stFDXLPthe Governance tokens of Flex Perpetuals. In addition to granting participation in the Governance process of the protocol, it also accrues value from the platform revenue
Token Contract: 0xE248c0bCE837B8dFb21fdfa51Fb31D22fbbB4380
How to obtain:
Participate in Launch Event (TGE)
Purchase it from the FDX-ETH liquidity pool on Aerodrome.Finance
Vest esFDX
Staking Contract (stFDXLP): 0xF00e53B7F3112834625f5AD5d47dA0e6E427E660 Utilities:
Earn 30% share of protocol revenue in USDC when paired with ETH & staked as stFDXLP (shared with staked esFDX & FP).
Earn a share of esFDX community incentives token emissions when paired with ETH & staked as stFDXLP.
Earn Flex Points at 100% APR when paired with ETH and staked as stFDXLP.
Receive governance voting rights to help shape key decisions on the development of FDX exchange (only stFDXLP holders can vote. esFDX and FP have no voting power - coming soon...)
$FDX Token can simply be held as a speculitive play for long term price appreciation
Unvested private sale FDX token (LFDX) can also be staked to earn a portion of the protocol revenue along with stFDXLP token. However, they ARE NOT eligible to earn esFDX rewards. LFDX Token Contract: 0x8ae234597bf9670aa854e3928a2b016AF2cbA33b
To protect FDX holders, esFDX (escrowed FDX) is distributed as incentive rewards to the stakers of stFDXLP & esFDX tokens and FLP tokens on FLEX. esFDX token is the escrowed version of the FDX token and cannot be traded. It must first be vested before it can be traded. However, the esFDX tokens possess the exact same utilities as FDX tokens.
More details on the vesting mechanics & schedule of esFDX can be found here.
Token Contract: 0x915595336Dad62fD1C3600193a16B3F44B44d27E
How to obtain:
Stake esFDX, stFDXLP, or FLP
Earn via Trade to Earn program
Staking Contract: 0xbD5E6070E1dd19Bd3af24A46caE2634dA9f22e5B Utilities:
Earn 30% share of protocol revenue in the form of USDC when staked (shared with staked stFDXLP & Flex Points)
Earn a share of esFDX token emission when staked
Earn Flex Points at 100% APR when staked
FP aims to reward long term supporters of Flex Perpetuals without creating an inflation on the FDX tokens. The owner of the FP can stake them to earn a share of protocol revenue, which is split among staked esFDX & stFDXLP.
Token Contract: 0x4A3AdB82b2BFcd46Ed47dAC3CB69fc357Bb399B3
How to obtain:
Stake esFDX or stFDXLP
Earn 30% share of protocol revenue in the form of USDC when staked (shared with stFDXLP & staked esFDX) 1 FP = 1 esFDX in the calculation for revenue sharing.
We convert the USD value of stFDXLP into equivalent $FDX quantity to calculate the appropriate Flex Point distribution.
If you unstake your esFDX or stFDXLP, your accrued Flex Points, equal to the ratio of your unstaking balance, will automatically be unstaked and burned.
For every $1 of trading volume, Flex Perpetuals users will be awarded at least 1 FTC (depending on the asset that they trade). Each week, esFDX & other Incentive rewards will be distributed pro-rata to traders based on their FTC amount.
Token Contract: 0x78e82092F2E8a251a1Db7D98b60f8EAee1B1E4Af
How to obtain:
Open a leveraged trading position at Flex Perpetuals (users will receive at least 1 FTC for every $1 worth of trading volume).
Receive a share of esFDX rewards and other incentives
Below is a table summarizing the FTC awarded to traders for $1 worth of trading volume for each respective asset:
Other Crypto
Only trades that increase positions' size will be awarded FTC