🫗Revenue Share LP (stFDXLP)

Below are the topics that we will be covering in this section:

Introducing FDX/ETH and stFDXLP staking

$FDX is the revenue share and governance token of Flex Perpeturals. When paired with ETH and staked as stFDXLP at FLEX, it receives a share of the protocol revenue and will grant the holder participation in the governance process of the protocol. $FDX can be purchased from the FDX/ETH LP hosted on Aerodrome.Finance. $FDX holders can pair with $ETH and stake as stFDXLP on the FLEX platform to earn revenue share and governance voting rights. Alternatively FDX/ETH LP can be staked directly on Aerodrome for $AERO rewards (heavily incentivised by FLEX).

Users can choose to stake and unstake stFDXLP tokens at anytime. However, when unstaking, there will be a 21-day period before you can claim your tokens.

FDX/ETH & stFDXLP Staking Architecture

Below, we share with you the staking architecture on our FDX/ETH LP:

  1. User pairs $FDX with $ETH on Aerodrome Finance.

  2. The user then chooses to stake as FDX/ETH on Aerodrome Finance or stake natively on Flex Perpetuals in the stFDXLP contract.

  3. Users who stake as stFDXLP on FLEX will benefit from revenue share, esFDX incentive emissions and voting rights.

  4. Users who choose to stake on Aerodrome will benefit from incentivised $AERO rewards.

Benefits for Liquidity Providers/Stakers on Flex Perpetuals

By staking FDX/ETH in the stFDXLP staking contract, you will earn the following benefits:

  • 30% of Flex Perpetuals protocol revenue, paid in USDbC

  • esFDX rewards based on the size of your stFDXLP stake & emission rates

  • Governance & voting rights

Benefits for Liquidity Providers/Stakers on Aerodrome

By staking FDX/ETH in the Aerodrom staking contract, you will earn the following benefits:

  • $AERO rewards that will be highly incentivised by Flex Perpetuals

  • No locking period

Last updated